Saturday, November 15, 2014

The cards mock me.

These cards, simple 3x5 index cards.
They mock me, taunt me even. By the end of the day, they should be full of the beats of the movie we are making in less than 1 month. Even at that I'm behind on where I should be. But there they are, all blank and what not, just daring me to get started.  They point out that my outline is not nearly in depth enough, there are holes in the story, even characters who need a name.  But I'm going to start at the ends and work my way toward the middle. Hopefully I'll meet in the middle without too many blank cards. As an aside, I inherited these cards. My Dad had boxes of them.  I'm not exactly sure for what purpose he needed that many cards, I doubt it was for screenwriting, but I think he'd be okay with them being put to that use.  So if you see a couple of characters in this movie named "James" and "Henry", you'll be one of the few people who know that's a nod to my Dad - and a thank you for the cards.
Now lets get these things filled out. We've got a movie to make.

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